Monday, Tues, & Fri –
7:00am – 6:00pm
Wed & Thurs –
7:00am – 7:00pm
Sat & Sun – Closed

Summer Yard Safety for Your Pets

Summer is near, which means more outdoor time for your family and pets. With summer comes more risks for your pet than you may be aware of, but we have some tips to help you prepare your yard to make it safe and fun for your pets.

Keep the bugs away.

Mosquitos can interfere with outside fun, but they are more than just a nuisance, they can bring heartworm disease to your pets, so minimizing their presence is a big deal. They are drawn to standing water. If you have low areas in your yard that create puddles when it rains, you will want to consider getting those filled in. Also, remember to replace bird bath water daily. Another helpful thing you can do is plant flowers and herbs that repel mosquitoes such as marigold, rosemary, or citronella. If you are not already giving your pet heartworm prevention medication, contact your veterinarian to get started. 

Keep your pets safe from the sun.

Heatstroke is one of the biggest risks to your pet. If you do not have big shady trees in your yard, create a shaded area with a tarp for your pet to seek shelter in. Keep your pet hydrated with cold water to drink–just be sure to empty it at the end of the day so as to not attract mosquitoes.

Prevent fleas and ticks.

Fleas and ticks are most active in the warmer months, and prevention can save you time and the trouble of dealing with infestation. Spraying your yard and home with flea sprays is an easy first step to prevention. A second line of defense is using standard prevention methods such as flea collars or topical medications that are easily purchased at your local veterinary clinic or pet supply store. Not all prevention methods are for all pets, so check the package to make sure you are purchasing the right product for your cat or dog, and their weight.

Visit your veterinarian to learn more about how you can protect your pet during the summer.



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Monday, Tues, & Fri -
7:00am - 6:00pm
Wed & Thurs -
7:00am - 7:00pm
Sat & Sun - Closed