Animal Dental Services
7:00am – 6:00pm
Wed & Thurs –
7:00am – 7:00pm
Sat & Sun – Closed
7:00am – 6:00pm
Wed & Thurs –
7:00am – 7:00pm
Sat & Sun – Closed
Our pets need dental cleanings and check-ups too!
Did you know that dental disease is the most commonly recognized abnormality on a physical exam of a dog or a cat?
Cleaning your dog or cat’s teeth isn’t just about fresh breath. Animal dental service is an essential part of good oral care, and good oral care is an important part of your pet’s overall health. Although most people aren’t aware of it, periodontal, or gum disease, is a common, serious problem in dogs and cats. Help prevent gum disease in your pet, and visit us for a discounted routine dental cleaning* in the month of February. Dental cleaning does not include extractions.
What can you do to prevent plaque buildup and ensure that any tartar and calculus already present do not progress to severe periodontal disease?
Proper home care such as brushing and feeding an oral health diet or treats (Oravet Chews) helps slow plaque buildup, and yearly dental cleanings help remove heavy buildup so periodontal disease is avoided. Diseases of the mouth and teeth, specifically gingivitis and periodontal disease, can cause significant pain when eating and can cause dramatic behavior changes in our furry companions.
Signs of Oral or Dental Disease
- Halitosis (bad breath)
- Reduced/absent appetite with potential secondary weight loss
- Preference for soft food or table scraps over normal hard food
- Chewing on one side of mouth or slow, deliberate chewing; possible dropping of food
- Reduction in grooming behavior (mostly cats)
- Pawing at mouth/face
- Excessive slobbering/salivation
- More sneezing than normal
- Nasal discharge
- Acting head shy (not allowing petting of head, possible aggression when head touched)
Dental Fee Includes:
- Preanesthetic blood work
- Sevoflurane gas anesthesia
- Electronic & manual anesthetic monitoring
- Oral examination
- Ultrasonic teeth cleaning
- Polishing
- Periodontal probing
- Full mouth dental x-ray
*Extractions, dental radiographs, pain medications, antibiotics, and periodontal disease treatment are at an additional cost if required.
Dogs must be current on Rabies, DAP, Lepto, Bordetella, and be internal & external parasite free. Cats must be current on Rabies and FVRCP and be external parasite free. We should also know the cat’s FIV & feline leukemia status at the time of surgery. The FIV/FeLV test and vaccines can be done the same day as surgery if necessary.
Monday, Tues, & Fri -
7:00am - 6:00pm
Wed & Thurs -
7:00am - 7:00pm
Sat & Sun - Closed
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