Monday, Tues, & Fri –
7:00am – 6:00pm
Wed & Thurs –
7:00am – 7:00pm
Sat & Sun – Closed

How You Can Protect Your Dog from Heartworms

Heartworm disease is a concern for every pet owner, whether you live in an area with a high concentration of mosquitoes or not. Mosquito bites are incredibly common, but did you know that mosquito bites can put your pet at risk? Learn more about why heartworm disease is dangerous and what you can do to protect your dog. 

Why Heartworms Are Dangerous

Heartworm disease is a very serious disease that can be fatal for dogs. Heartworm larvae are carried by mosquitoes after they have bitten an infected animal, and they are then transmitted when the mosquito bites your pet. As larvae mature, the worms will then make their way into your pet’s heart, lungs, and blood vessels. It can take several years for your dog to show symptoms of infection, and by then the disease will be very advanced.

Signs Your Dog May Have Heartworm Disease

Some of the most common symptoms include shortness of breath, loss of stamina, weakness, and a soft, dry cough. These are most evident after exercise, but some pet owners overlook these symptoms because they can also occur when your dog is overexerted. In advanced stages, weight loss, anemia, and swelling of the abdomen and legs can mean congestive heart failure. The sooner your animal is treated, the better the outcome, which is why regular veterinary visits are essential. Your veterinarian may notice some of these symptoms early on during check-ups.

How To Prevent Infection

Prevention of heartworm disease is much more affordable than treatment, so starting early can save you money, and heartache. Monthly chewable tablets are a good option if you remember to give them to your dog every month. Year-round prevention is important because even a few missed doses of medication can put your dog at risk of being infected. If you think you might forget or if you travel, then another choice are injections that can be given every 6 months or 12 months. There are also medications that can be applied directly to your dog’s skin and absorbed. All of these options are safe, and side effects are rare.

To determine the best way to protect your pets, speak with your veterinarian at your next visit about heartworm prevention.



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Monday, Tues, & Fri -
7:00am - 6:00pm
Wed & Thurs -
7:00am - 7:00pm
Sat & Sun - Closed